
The Web Log of Lewes Town Partnership

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Monday, October 24, 2005
Dear Partners

You are invited to the AGM of Lewes Town Partnership. we will convene at 7pm on monday, 21st, November in the Yarrow Room, Lewes Town Hall and the meeting will start at 7.15pm.
All membership will become due and will be available from 7pm (£1.00). Members will be invited to accept the Annual Report, to nominate or to stand for election or re-election to the posts of Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Company Secretary, and for appointment or re-appointment as bank account signatories

Johnny Denis, Chair
Lewes Town Partnership

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Friday, September 30, 2005
Minutes of the meeting of Lewes Town Partnership 19/09/05
Yarrow Room, Lewes Town Hall

1. Present & Apologies
Johnny Denis, Rosey Eggar, Katharine Rayner, Susan Murray, Roger Murray, Owen Clifford, Keith Rapley, Paul Rideout

2. Apologies
Geoff Woodall, George Melloy, Cllr Powell,

3. Matters arising
- Owen to find out how income from parking Scheme is being used ACTION Owen to check this out
- One response to survey about which dates for meetings
- Terms of Reference for the Local Action Team have now been received

4. Development Work Update
Market Towns Healthcheck - a precursor to being able to apply for funds under the small rural towns initiative. Paul explained the process. First Stage is the snapshot sent to ESCC, LDC and SDW PCT to collate background info on the town. Others hold info which also need s pulling together
4 main topics: environment, Economy, social and Community, transport & accessibility

Development Worker could pull this together by facilitating LTP members to reform theme groups and developing action plans. Part of work programme would be to identify other projects which have acquired or applying for funding which could be used as match funding for LTP. We could possibly run 4 workshops (JD to discuss with Action in Rural Sussex re facilitation). A number of small projects or one larger project would need co-ordination. (KR & PR to meet to discuss way forward, including potential project partners and format for consultation/workshops.)

5 Officers
David Tufnell has resigned from the Partnership. His contribution has been of great value and Johnny recorded his thanks to David on behalf of the Partnership.

A Company Secretary is needed. To be appointed at the AGM to replace Johnny Denis. Katharine suggested that we also involve someone to help on financial side perhaps to audit books

6 Finances
David Tufnell was going to be the fourth signatory. The meeting agreed to change the constitution (Arts & Mem) so that we have 3 signatories, any 2 of which could sign checks etc.

7 Crime & Disorder - Local Action Team (LAT)
Local Action team has been set up to oversee local project work on the ground to reduce crime and disorder in the town. Local priorities have been set. Eg., Funds have been agreed to set up a basket ball project mn Landport & de Mont fort.

Agreed to hold AGM in November (johnny to check availability of Town Hall in mid November)

It was also noted that links should continue to be built between LTP and Lewes Town Council (LTC).

27/9 Consultation on new Housing in East Sussex

10 Future Meetings
17/10/05 Yarrow Room, Lewes Town Hall 7pm Partnership Meeting
21/11/05 Yarrow Room, Lewes Town Hall, 7pm Annual General Meeting

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Saturday, September 17, 2005
Local Area Agreements Toolkit - for all those people wondering what, how, and how much?

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Monday, July 18, 2005

Lewes Town Partnership.
Minutes of the Meeting of the 18th July, 2005
Resource Centre, Horsfield Road, Lewes at the hospitality of Ruth Tahsin.
Moved from the SDCVS as there was no means of access.

Welcome & Apologies.
Present Ruth Tahsin, Rosie Eggar, Owen Cliffford, Johnny Denis

Katharine apologised for her non-presence, she was however hard at work on the Tourism Strategy fro the Partnership. Apologies from Ruth O'Keeffe had been sent.

Youth Video
The meeting was shown a video recording of young people’s experiences from Newhaven, Lewes and the villlages

The upshot of which was that young people’s expereience was varied and that we should be planning for young people’s needs as a homogenous group. In particular there are those who want things to do and thee are those who want to be able to be with friends without being seen as a being a nuisance.

There was a Tenants and Residents Association 5 a side football league 11-13 and 14-16. Some rural young people identified transport as an issue

Residents Associations
There was a a discussion about Residents Associations(RAs). RT only supported Tenants and Residents of Council Housing Estates. In Lewes, these are on Nevill, Landport, Malling, and De Montfort. Some areas such as Wellington St and North St, and Sussex Court in Mountfield Road have a tenant representative scheme

Other non-DC supported RA s were note across the Town
Ruth will pass on contact details of the LDC supported RAs

Other News
Paul Rideout has stepped in to bring enough of the LTP info together to be able to employ someone oin September to take forward the Market Town Healthcheck

RT asked whether we had information on the way that the income generated from the new Parking charges/fines was being applied and how these schemes were abeing agreed on. JD Agreed that this information should be available and pursue [ACTION JD to contact LDC/ESCC to find this out]

As RT has a particular interest in young peoiple she raised the point about any town-or district-wide services for young people. The Lewes Area Play Council was discussed as self-help federation of play services for children.The meeting discussed the reforming of children’s services and, children’s centres and Childrens Partnerships can decide where children’s centre are located

RT reminded the meeting that the TRAs were a resource and an opportunity to consult with Lewes people (via Ruth as she was able to communicate directly with TRAs

It was agreed that LTP would not meet until September and that times and dates of meetings would be reviewed [Action JD]

Crime and Disorder- Local Action Team has been set up. [ACTION Owen to get TOR from George, plus membership and plan] Some concerned that they would by-pass the Partnership

Date and Time of Next Meeting
Please Note NO meeting in August! September Date and Time and venue to be decided

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Monday, June 20, 2005
Minutes of the Meeting of Lewes Town Partnership
Lewes Police Station, moved from 66 High St, Lewes as no-one had access and Paul Rideout was not present. There was some disquiet about this and more notice needed to be given about change of venue

20th June, 2005

Rosie Eggar, David Tuffnell, George Melloy, Johnny Denis

JD had not been in the office during day and had not received any apologies in previous week

Apologies later received: Ruth O'Keeffe

Matters Arising
JD had moved finances on and applied to open bank account

Local Action Team

Due to the low turnout the meeting focussed on Crime Reduction – Local Action Team
GM (Sussex Police) gave the Partnership and update on the LAT. This had now been formed and was now in a position to set priorities and draw down funds from the District Wide Crime Reduction Partnership (against an allocation of £8,800). The Local Action Team is set up to tackle Crime and Disorder & Fear of Crime and Disorder by taking a partnership approach. Membership includes Yvonne Derby, Lewes District Council, Housing

In De Montfort the LAT is looking at the physical structure of the estate aimingto address the high fear of crime by tackling the small number of individuals responsible for high level of fear. There are also low levels of reporting of crime.

The LAT is engaged with other partnerships particularly Youth Development Service – outreach team working with excluded youth at risk of offending., offering advice and support, and working with the YMCA.

The LAT is supporting resident support networks such as Residents Associations (RA)

A confidential incident reporting system is being set up to allow people to report crime. A mail drop is happening as a first step. A. Crime Prevention Officer (CPO) on the estate. advising on physical changes, eg shutting off some areas.

A proposal is under discussion to develop a community flat with Housing Corp. using funding to encourage tenant participation.There is a proposal to do some community allotment work.

In the Landport the LAT will be working with the RA and Youth Group. LDC is aiming to hold Cabinet meetings in schools as a way of engaging communities and young people. Youth development Service (YDS) is working with Nutty wizard. A Street football /basketball scheme is being developed

There was some discussion about vandalism and graffiti in town – It was observed that duty for landowner to clear graffiti within 28 days

From april CRP will hold funds for APs to act as gatekeepers for LATs. Nick Barton LDC Funding officer might assist in using the CRP resource to draw in other funds.

There was some discussion about how the aims of the LAT wwere/wouold be set and how the LAT would relate to Lewes Town Partnership. LTP had already identified the need to support people suffering from domestic abuse and that this had not been identified as a priority by the LAT. The LAT was asked to reconsider this.


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Friday, June 17, 2005
Lewes Town Partnership Meeting, 16th May, 2005, SDCVS, 66 High St, Lewes

Present: Johnny Denis, Rosey Eggar, Paul Rideout, Katharine Rayner

Apologies: Ann de Vecchi

1 Minutes from last meeting agreed
2 Matters arising
a) Local Transport Plan 2006-2011
known as LTP2
b) Bank AccountPapers have been submitted to open bank account

2 Crime Reduction
  • At present there is no Local Action Team in Lewes
  • It was reported that, during the last financial year, Lewes Town had 145 reported incidents of domestic violence
  • This meeting agreed to recommend that £2400 of of CRP fund be allocated to a Step Forward for their work in Lewes Town. This recommendation should be discussed at the next LTP meeting
  • Some discussion over other areas for funding and it was agreed that LTP needed to discuss with George Melloy
  • Action CRP LAT item on agenda of next mtg
  • Johnny reported back on the Crime Reduction Meeting held in the afternoon

3 Transport

  • No report had been tabled,
  • Action: Await feedback from Living Streets, Friends of Lewes, and Cycle Lewes
4 Development Worker

  • Appointment had been made but postholder withdrew two weeks later
  • Recruitment will restart this week, Interviews second week in June, jobshares will be accepted. Aiming for post to commence in July

5 Local Development Framework

  • Results of the engagement parties are on the Lewes District Council Website
  • A questionnaire is also available on the website for completion by the end of June.

6 Common Cause

  • have surveyed local care homes and are now seeking somemoneyy to run projects on local procurement.
  • Katharine is looking at thepossibilityy of using LM3 as a tool for valuing the local economic benefits of local procurement
  • Lewes Organic Allotment Project is seeking funds for developing work with children

7 Date and Time of Next Meeting

  • June 20th, 7pm 66 High St, Lewes

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Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Lewes Town Partnership
Held at South Downs CVS
18th April 2005

Present: Rossie Eggar, Paul Rideout, Katharine Rayner, David Tuffnel, Michael Cahill, George Melloy
Apologies:Rachel Powell, Ruth O’keefe, Johnny Denis

Matters Arising
Crime Reduction:
there has been a reduction in crime over last 12 months, increase in crime detected. The main current concern is public place disorder, with a local focus of detecting volume crime, ie. Car crime. Rotten Row is crime hot spot at present. This year the focus is for residents to feed into the LTP and then work with the Local Action Team to build project and get funds. The impetus must come from residents and deal with their concerns
Action: ALL to work with the LAT to come up with a project and get money.

Transport Plan.
Has not met yet.
Action: Friends of Lewes, Living Street, and Cycle Lewes will put together suggestion for joint submission from LTP to be agreed at next meeting.

Local Strategic Partnership.
Paul Rideout elected vice chair, Ian Chisnell, the chair.

Current Consultations
Race Equality
Deadline 6th May. Largest group of foreign nationals is from the college.
Local Public Service Agreement worth looking at.

Action: JD and KR Talk to Lewes Group for Refugees and Assylum Seekers and John Mountford at Sussex Downs College.

Review of Action Plan and Priorities
Discussed need to look at what we set out to do, what we have achieved so far and what we can realistically achieve each year, to have small achievable targets against which we monitor our progress.
George Melloy left 8pm.

Action: All think about this and go through with Development Worker.

Bank Account
Queried whether we had enough signatories and open account to receive funds.
Action RE to ask JD about bank account and signatories.

Devlopment Worker
New Development Worker be in place soon and going through induction process. All to meet at SDCVS. They will attend some meetings, discussed whether best for them to attend all/ some meetings and future role of LTP to line manage them. Paul talked about communities talking speeding and road safety, can work with the new DW and police on this.

Action: ALL put together report of what achieved so far for the new worker; meet new worker.

Meeting with Rural Choices
7pm Yarrow Room at Town Hall, with Rural Voices to plan work with the Development Worker.

Date and Time of Next Meeting
Action : PR to check availability of CVS for next mtg

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