
The Web Log of Lewes Town Partnership

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Friday, June 17, 2005
Lewes Town Partnership Meeting, 16th May, 2005, SDCVS, 66 High St, Lewes

Present: Johnny Denis, Rosey Eggar, Paul Rideout, Katharine Rayner

Apologies: Ann de Vecchi

1 Minutes from last meeting agreed
2 Matters arising
a) Local Transport Plan 2006-2011
known as LTP2
b) Bank AccountPapers have been submitted to open bank account

2 Crime Reduction
  • At present there is no Local Action Team in Lewes
  • It was reported that, during the last financial year, Lewes Town had 145 reported incidents of domestic violence
  • This meeting agreed to recommend that £2400 of of CRP fund be allocated to a Step Forward for their work in Lewes Town. This recommendation should be discussed at the next LTP meeting
  • Some discussion over other areas for funding and it was agreed that LTP needed to discuss with George Melloy
  • Action CRP LAT item on agenda of next mtg
  • Johnny reported back on the Crime Reduction Meeting held in the afternoon

3 Transport

  • No report had been tabled,
  • Action: Await feedback from Living Streets, Friends of Lewes, and Cycle Lewes
4 Development Worker

  • Appointment had been made but postholder withdrew two weeks later
  • Recruitment will restart this week, Interviews second week in June, jobshares will be accepted. Aiming for post to commence in July

5 Local Development Framework

  • Results of the engagement parties are on the Lewes District Council Website
  • A questionnaire is also available on the website for completion by the end of June.

6 Common Cause

  • have surveyed local care homes and are now seeking somemoneyy to run projects on local procurement.
  • Katharine is looking at thepossibilityy of using LM3 as a tool for valuing the local economic benefits of local procurement
  • Lewes Organic Allotment Project is seeking funds for developing work with children

7 Date and Time of Next Meeting

  • June 20th, 7pm 66 High St, Lewes

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