
The Web Log of Lewes Town Partnership

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Monday, June 20, 2005
Minutes of the Meeting of Lewes Town Partnership
Lewes Police Station, moved from 66 High St, Lewes as no-one had access and Paul Rideout was not present. There was some disquiet about this and more notice needed to be given about change of venue

20th June, 2005

Rosie Eggar, David Tuffnell, George Melloy, Johnny Denis

JD had not been in the office during day and had not received any apologies in previous week

Apologies later received: Ruth O'Keeffe

Matters Arising
JD had moved finances on and applied to open bank account

Local Action Team

Due to the low turnout the meeting focussed on Crime Reduction – Local Action Team
GM (Sussex Police) gave the Partnership and update on the LAT. This had now been formed and was now in a position to set priorities and draw down funds from the District Wide Crime Reduction Partnership (against an allocation of £8,800). The Local Action Team is set up to tackle Crime and Disorder & Fear of Crime and Disorder by taking a partnership approach. Membership includes Yvonne Derby, Lewes District Council, Housing

In De Montfort the LAT is looking at the physical structure of the estate aimingto address the high fear of crime by tackling the small number of individuals responsible for high level of fear. There are also low levels of reporting of crime.

The LAT is engaged with other partnerships particularly Youth Development Service – outreach team working with excluded youth at risk of offending., offering advice and support, and working with the YMCA.

The LAT is supporting resident support networks such as Residents Associations (RA)

A confidential incident reporting system is being set up to allow people to report crime. A mail drop is happening as a first step. A. Crime Prevention Officer (CPO) on the estate. advising on physical changes, eg shutting off some areas.

A proposal is under discussion to develop a community flat with Housing Corp. using funding to encourage tenant participation.There is a proposal to do some community allotment work.

In the Landport the LAT will be working with the RA and Youth Group. LDC is aiming to hold Cabinet meetings in schools as a way of engaging communities and young people. Youth development Service (YDS) is working with Nutty wizard. A Street football /basketball scheme is being developed

There was some discussion about vandalism and graffiti in town – It was observed that duty for landowner to clear graffiti within 28 days

From april CRP will hold funds for APs to act as gatekeepers for LATs. Nick Barton LDC Funding officer might assist in using the CRP resource to draw in other funds.

There was some discussion about how the aims of the LAT wwere/wouold be set and how the LAT would relate to Lewes Town Partnership. LTP had already identified the need to support people suffering from domestic abuse and that this had not been identified as a priority by the LAT. The LAT was asked to reconsider this.


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