
The Web Log of Lewes Town Partnership

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Sunday, April 17, 2005
Present: Johnny David Tufnell, Ann De Vecchi., Rosey Eggar, Owen Clifford
Apologies: Paul Rideout, Ruth O'Keefe, George Melloy, Michael Cahill

Minutes of Last Meeting; amendments were made

Matters Arising:
Crime Reduction: next public Meeting is 12th April, 7pm at wallands Primary School

Crime and disorder: Owen reported on Crime Reduction Partnership (CRP) and outlined local priorities for the next 3 years with aim of reducing overall crime by 15% . Strategy will be published next week. A hard copy will be given to each Local area Partnership

From 1st April, ££8800, to be available to Area Partnerships & Local Action Teams. £3k of which should be spent on capital, remainder for capital & revenue which should link back to the Strategy. This would be an opportunity to link in with Rural Voices/ LAT

Transport: Plan has been published. David reported on some of the highlights of the plan.
Action: David, Martin & Tim will draw up some form of response, put forward shared proposals and bring them to LTP

Hot Issues:
Incinerator: LTP agreed to express its concerns about proposals for an incinerator in Newhaven and to object to it
Action Johnny to write letter

Stadium: Proposal for Lewes FC& other sports bodies to form a new complex. Proposal to hold a meeting with the developers in May, and to share sport with reps from ESCC transport.

Joint RVRC & LTP 9th May, 7-9 No venue Yet for opportunity to meet th enew development worker starting on 11th April. Need to scope actions for development worker once in post. Johnny to meet with Paul &Shirley to look at this and share with group. Paul to arrange copy of Local Voices; local choices to be sent to David

Worker might be able to help with Market TownHealth Check in order to lever in new money. This would then lead into a renewal of our plan.

Tourism Report: Johnny has does not have time to complete this. Might be something for the new worker

Proposal that we get Lewes Town council to meet our admin costs.
Action: Johnny to p

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