
The Web Log of Lewes Town Partnership

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Friday, September 30, 2005
Minutes of the meeting of Lewes Town Partnership 19/09/05
Yarrow Room, Lewes Town Hall

1. Present & Apologies
Johnny Denis, Rosey Eggar, Katharine Rayner, Susan Murray, Roger Murray, Owen Clifford, Keith Rapley, Paul Rideout

2. Apologies
Geoff Woodall, George Melloy, Cllr Powell,

3. Matters arising
- Owen to find out how income from parking Scheme is being used ACTION Owen to check this out
- One response to survey about which dates for meetings
- Terms of Reference for the Local Action Team have now been received

4. Development Work Update
Market Towns Healthcheck - a precursor to being able to apply for funds under the small rural towns initiative. Paul explained the process. First Stage is the snapshot sent to ESCC, LDC and SDW PCT to collate background info on the town. Others hold info which also need s pulling together
4 main topics: environment, Economy, social and Community, transport & accessibility

Development Worker could pull this together by facilitating LTP members to reform theme groups and developing action plans. Part of work programme would be to identify other projects which have acquired or applying for funding which could be used as match funding for LTP. We could possibly run 4 workshops (JD to discuss with Action in Rural Sussex re facilitation). A number of small projects or one larger project would need co-ordination. (KR & PR to meet to discuss way forward, including potential project partners and format for consultation/workshops.)

5 Officers
David Tufnell has resigned from the Partnership. His contribution has been of great value and Johnny recorded his thanks to David on behalf of the Partnership.

A Company Secretary is needed. To be appointed at the AGM to replace Johnny Denis. Katharine suggested that we also involve someone to help on financial side perhaps to audit books

6 Finances
David Tufnell was going to be the fourth signatory. The meeting agreed to change the constitution (Arts & Mem) so that we have 3 signatories, any 2 of which could sign checks etc.

7 Crime & Disorder - Local Action Team (LAT)
Local Action team has been set up to oversee local project work on the ground to reduce crime and disorder in the town. Local priorities have been set. Eg., Funds have been agreed to set up a basket ball project mn Landport & de Mont fort.

Agreed to hold AGM in November (johnny to check availability of Town Hall in mid November)

It was also noted that links should continue to be built between LTP and Lewes Town Council (LTC).

27/9 Consultation on new Housing in East Sussex

10 Future Meetings
17/10/05 Yarrow Room, Lewes Town Hall 7pm Partnership Meeting
21/11/05 Yarrow Room, Lewes Town Hall, 7pm Annual General Meeting

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Saturday, September 17, 2005
Local Area Agreements Toolkit - for all those people wondering what, how, and how much?

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