
The Web Log of Lewes Town Partnership

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Monday, July 18, 2005

Lewes Town Partnership.
Minutes of the Meeting of the 18th July, 2005
Resource Centre, Horsfield Road, Lewes at the hospitality of Ruth Tahsin.
Moved from the SDCVS as there was no means of access.

Welcome & Apologies.
Present Ruth Tahsin, Rosie Eggar, Owen Cliffford, Johnny Denis

Katharine apologised for her non-presence, she was however hard at work on the Tourism Strategy fro the Partnership. Apologies from Ruth O'Keeffe had been sent.

Youth Video
The meeting was shown a video recording of young people’s experiences from Newhaven, Lewes and the villlages

The upshot of which was that young people’s expereience was varied and that we should be planning for young people’s needs as a homogenous group. In particular there are those who want things to do and thee are those who want to be able to be with friends without being seen as a being a nuisance.

There was a Tenants and Residents Association 5 a side football league 11-13 and 14-16. Some rural young people identified transport as an issue

Residents Associations
There was a a discussion about Residents Associations(RAs). RT only supported Tenants and Residents of Council Housing Estates. In Lewes, these are on Nevill, Landport, Malling, and De Montfort. Some areas such as Wellington St and North St, and Sussex Court in Mountfield Road have a tenant representative scheme

Other non-DC supported RA s were note across the Town
Ruth will pass on contact details of the LDC supported RAs

Other News
Paul Rideout has stepped in to bring enough of the LTP info together to be able to employ someone oin September to take forward the Market Town Healthcheck

RT asked whether we had information on the way that the income generated from the new Parking charges/fines was being applied and how these schemes were abeing agreed on. JD Agreed that this information should be available and pursue [ACTION JD to contact LDC/ESCC to find this out]

As RT has a particular interest in young peoiple she raised the point about any town-or district-wide services for young people. The Lewes Area Play Council was discussed as self-help federation of play services for children.The meeting discussed the reforming of children’s services and, children’s centres and Childrens Partnerships can decide where children’s centre are located

RT reminded the meeting that the TRAs were a resource and an opportunity to consult with Lewes people (via Ruth as she was able to communicate directly with TRAs

It was agreed that LTP would not meet until September and that times and dates of meetings would be reviewed [Action JD]

Crime and Disorder- Local Action Team has been set up. [ACTION Owen to get TOR from George, plus membership and plan] Some concerned that they would by-pass the Partnership

Date and Time of Next Meeting
Please Note NO meeting in August! September Date and Time and venue to be decided

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